Wednesday, April 17, 2013


So today's been like one of those in between ok and bad days. I don't really know what to think honestly. I'm frustrated by school, I'm just ready to get out of here. I found out the other day I have to take the AP Exam, which is like a $90 test that I don't even want to take.
And it's for literature. My teach gave me a practice packet to go through and I get credit for doing it instead of the quizes for a book we're reading in class right now but I swear these prompts are destroying my brain...
Ugh, I'm just super frustrated.

Still haven't heard anything back about my commision. I don't care how long she takes drawing it, I've never cared about that kind of thing. As long as I get it at some point I'm cool, but I'd like to at least know she got my information. Only reason I'm bugging about it is because until I know I've got everything with her sorted out, its going to be on my mind. It's like a little cherry on top of the calamity sundae that is my life right now. Artist block continues to plague me, still forcing myself to draw anyway.... I don't have time to take breaks.

Been listening to Nirvana, Nevermind, like insanely in my car these last few days and while I generally like every song on the album, my favorite has to be 'Something in the Way'.
I was in a  mood yesterday and just drove around town listening to it on repeat. We had our first official spring rain. It made everything smell really nice outside but it got super sticky and humid.
 My house was burning up. I feel like sucha baby cause it was only 80 degrees. I don't know what I'm going to do once summer hits...
I bought two baby cacti. Bubba and Gladys. They're adorable.
Something in the way time....

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