Monday, April 15, 2013

Here We Go : )

Well damn, another blog.
I'm not going to introduce myself or anything, I've got a profile for that, and this is more so for notes or stupid stuff that just happens to be goin' on in me life.
But I have decided I'm going to make a blog for all my major projects right now. Because while I'm busy trying to piece together the atrocity that is Fly Girl, I have other things I also want to work on too. There are two others that I want to bring to light, Cirque Du Minuit and Radio Head.
Radio Head is defiantly not anything I plan on really working on though, because the storyline is shaky and aloooot of it has yet to be defined. I'm thinking of actually just polishing it down to the characters I like to draw and working with them. Meh, we'll see.
Cirque Du Minuit is actually what I'd like to be primarily working on right now instead of Fly Girl. I have that thing mapped out from beginning to end, I've just been sort of adding things in lately though. I need to practise some realism too so  I can draw my scenery. Loooots of scenery in that thing. I don't know how I'll survive it which is why I'm mainly focusing on Fly Girl...
Thought Fly Girl is hard too since all the beginning chapters involve me drawing crazy realistic insects...
But anywhoo~
I perfer blogger more than my Deviantart so I may just update here from now on. Yup, one update a day, everyday X3
Ok I'm done.

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