Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I keep embarrassing myself when messaging people. Or at least  one person today. I bought a commission from my fav artist like 3 weeks ago (maybe longer) and she messaged me on saturday saying she still hadn't gotten my info for my commish.
I sent that shit four days after I paid her .____.
I wasn't mad or anything, I'm still not mad. I mean, I didn't really have a reason to be or anything. Since it was mostly my fault anyway. My computer and tumblr have been dukin' it out lately (messages don't like to send, sometimes my posts get all fucked to hell...) and I just assumed she got my info. I didn't want to send another message asking if she got it because I didn't want to bother her... (sighs) THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I'M CONSIDERATE OF OTHERS.
But I was freaking out too...
I was so worried she'd be all like 'Dude. You've had forever, I'm not doing this shit anymore, you're out ten bucks.'
I was near tears sunday because I sent her the 3rd message asking if she'd gotten my reply and I was all antsy and panicky because...COME ON, you can't tell me you wouldn't freak the fuck out if you thought your favorite artist would become annoyed with you and black list you on DA/tumblr. .____. I reread that statement and I think I give myself too much credit but I'm always ready to expect the worst.
That and I was like sporadically apologizing in eveeery single on of my messages and when people do that to me I'm like 'Bro. Bro chill. You're fine' and it's this...whole awkward thing.
I think I need to take a break from the Internet for awhile.

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