Drawn by Andi Espinosa, (or others might know her as Countandra on Deviantart) my character Musca Domestica. Main character from a graphic novel I'm working on called Fly Girl. This was like a ten dollar commission, can you believe that?? I feel like I should have paid more... I always feel that way about the commissions I request though XD
I just absolutely loooove this drawing and I hope she doesn't get mad that I'm throwin' it up here. Not that she'd probably ever even find out. My blogs are a public secret after all XD
But anyway, it's absolutely gorgeous no? I just wanted to talk about it a little since I never really got the chance to show it off to anybody X3.
That and I wanna talk about her hair. I mean, goodness to gracious, I could go on about every thing in this forever and what not (Though Andi could have drawn her as a stick figure and I'd probably still love it.) But after looking it at it more carefully, her hair kinda sticks out in my field of vision.
Mostly because I can't really tell if she drew her with short hair, or if her hairs just tucked behind her wings. Either way it doesn't bother me or make me love it any less, I just don't know and that kind of pokes at me. But I got to thinking the other day since she's looks absolutely adorable in this pic, and her hair does look short, she might look good with short hair.
So I drew her in 20's clothes a couple times with that short-ish bob style and I really liked it : 3
I'm not changing her design, I've worked on her design for mooonths and I'm not changing it now on a whim, but I did decide there's going to be a part where her hair gets chopped off by Congrua so I'm in the process of drawing a second design page with her short hair. I'm sucha dork I swear.
Well back to work and such, I've got a GPA to pull outta the trash.
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