Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Abnormalities stuff

I added four new characters to the Abnormalities that will be appaearing in there at some point. Yeah, I made it a project. It pretty much took a life of its own and now its smacking every other project I want to work on, like Cirque du Minuit and Fly Girl, outta my hands. Nothing I can do, I draw whatever I feel like after all XD
I will describe them in order of appearance and by their stage names : 3
First up,
The Tiger Girl.
Or Landi. Landi is a five year old child who hails from the deep jungles of Africa. She was either abandoned by her parents, or they were killed in the ruthless terrain, but either way she was left alone as a babe. Connie, who was ten at the time, was a performing tiger for Rigby Circus. Harvel, the sleazy ring master, had her only cub sold off and killed for a pretty penny and so Connie was extremely depressed for a time. When the circus went traveling in Africa to find more members, Connie escapes her cage and wanders through the jungles and eventually finds baby Landi, alone and dying. Connie takes Landi home with her to the circus and begins rearing her as her own. Several attempts to remove the child from Connie's care became futile (the tiger trainer lost his hand) and she was allowed to keep her newest little cub. Landi spends her five years of life raised as a tiger by her adoptive mother and eventually is put in the circus as a 'Tiger Girl'.
When the Abnormalities trio find Landi and Connie, Connie is an old tiger who has lost her teeth from malnutrition and abuse and Landi is treated like an animal. Peeps makes it his mission to save the two from Harvel Rigby's circus and make them well treated members of the Freak Show.

Swimmy isn't a part of the show, he's the running support. Swimmy sets up the stage and manages their very little finances. Swimmy...is a veery strange character. He has an obsession with things that are 'interesting'. And 'interesting' mostly means outside the norm. He just loves to observe the way of those who are not accepted in society and has a very strange love for them. The group themselves don't really know if he's truly a friend or someone they should be watching out for. Swimmy compares everything to his really creepy collection of pet leeches. He feels an affinity for them since he has an iron deficiency and has to orally take in blood. Swimmy's not all there...

And last but not least, Fire Bug.
Fire Bug's real name is Katydid but everyone calls her Bug. Bug grew up an orphan in South Africa but was adopted by a well off family with time on their hands when she was 12. As a kid, she would do tribal dancing with a mask she fashioned, on the street for money...
 Never feeling like she belonged in the states with her rich family, At 17 years old she meets the Abnormalities and wants to run away to join their freak show. Her act consists of the old dance she used to do as a child only to its true potential. Its a wicked fire dance called 'Sun Waving' consisting of a hula hoop and two staffs.
Her act is powerful and involves drums to keep her in rythm, the only draw back is her mask. Once the mask is on, 'Katydid' takes a back seat. She's goes into a state of being one with something mystic that neither she nor anyone else quite understands. But it's dangerous. Fire Bug has to have a five meter circle drawn around her as a warning to others. If anyone steps into the circle, the dance has been violated and she will attempted to take down who ever has done so. She nearly decapitates Landi when the child is attracted to her fire and runs out without thinking. Because of the dangers her dance posses, Gams doesn't want her to be a part of the group but is over ruled by Chomps who has taken to her and her act.

So thats the new comers. Working on their designs, except Swimmy who is a recycled character : D
I'm so tired.

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