Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cirque du Minuit

In this, I'll be talking about Cirque du Minuit, my horror/fantasy comic. 

Before I get into the description I just wanted to talk about CdM a bit and pretty much how it differs from my other projects.

CdM started as a stupid meaningless comic about a clown girl named Delilah who witnesses the murder of a priest at the hands of a 'Collector' named Jacques. I wasn't drawing it to go anywhere, it was actually so I could test out how to put comics together but the more I drew stuff for it, the more attached I became to the characters and the limitlessness of their story.
That was in 2010. >__>;;

Sooo as you may know, some time has passed since then.
But as a result the circus grew and its become this amazingly huge thing now. Like legit, I'm so excited to start putting it together because I easily believe its the best thing I've ever come up with...

CdM initially takes place in a small Italian based island, île de minuit, where the main, Delilah, has lived her whole life. It's Delilah's dream to one day become the lead clown of the Cirque du Minuit, the grand circus that their small island is famous for. But her dream seems impossible as the circus won't have a female clown. 
One afternoon, after being turned down by the Cirque yet again, Delilah heads home feeling maybe its time to hang up her red nose and tutu until she witnesses an odd scene taking place between a dark young man and a priest. After eavesdropping for a bit, Delilah learns she can have her any wish granted by The Master, the head of a mysterious group that plague the island called 'Collectors'. 
On an impulse, Delilah confronts the Collector she'd been watching (Jacques) and asks to have her wish granted. He declines, saying only its not something 'little girls' should get mixed up in and goes to take his leave. 
Delilah follows him and ends up in the Collection, a strange space where Collectors and the Master live. As it is every Collectors duty to see humans safely through the Collection, Jacques begrudgingly accepts the task of seeing Delilah to the Master to have her wish granted and their journey begins.

Literally, that description is vague as hell and there is sooooo much more to even the first parts than that, but I don't want to give anything away.
I'm really really excited by this and I cannot wait to start on the comic because I seriously love this project from the depths of my heart. 
My only concern really is that my artistic skills aren't good enough to convey all the really cool stuff I want to do with this.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Decembersville Au...

Character list for my Decembersville Au that I said I wasn't going to write about but started anyway...


Chimabell Von Pyre- King of Decembersville
Honestly does very little, he's a figure head, pretty much there to look pretty. Or, someone to show up and speak at events or meetings. Although he holds power as a king, he can't use it without his older siblings permission.Of course, no one outside the castle knows that.

Bella Von Pyre- Archduke of Decembersville
Runs the kingdom. Bella essentially does all the official work from taxes to law (on top of taking care of his younger brother and sister)
 Although he is the oldest  and should have been king, he handed the position down to his younger brother, knowing he'd have enough trouble just keeping Decembersville afloat without the added worry of having to make public appearances and look good for the people.

Campara Von Pyre- Grand Duchess of Decembersville
 Campara's responsibilities lie with her people. She's mainly in charge of listening to complaints or questions from the people, documenting them, and sending them off to Bella and his crew to be taken care of or filed. Work that she rarely does herself, usually having her own crew take care of it. Of course, when the situation calls for it (like someones being difficult or violent) she's there to clean house.
Campara also takes care of relations outside Decembersville, mainly who they keep up appearances with based on whoever the Meowsician feels it'd be wisest to keep tabs on.

The Meowsician- Royal Advisor
Decembersville's Royal Advisor. Pretty much has control of the country through the Von Pyres who seem to be very threatened by him but do not discharge him for reasons no one knows. His main goals (as well as he himself) are a mystery and to appose him, a danger. Many believe he is at fault for the long war between the humans and freaks.

Sophia Lilbette-The Human Princess
Princess of Decembersville's neighboring human country, was sent to the kingdom to be married to Chimabell as an act of peace for their countries. She's not happy in the slightest at being shipped from her home and having to marry the super creepy awkward vulture king, but understands its her duty as a princess to protect her people. But she's defiantly not happy about it.
On a lighter note, she ends up befriending many people, including her tutor, a servant, and one of the castle knights.

Pendulum Tin- Sophia's Tutor
One of  the very few remaining of an old noble family. Lost his title and was imprisoned during the war times when he claimed the Von Pyres were wasting tax money on frivolous things for themselves (which they were) instead of on the armies and safety measures for the country. To add insult to injury, he was hired by Bella Von Pyre to be the human Princess' home tutor.
Tin's 'tutoring' mostly consists on teaching Sophia the do's and don'ts of Decembersville among its history and traditions. Sophia finds his lessons to be quite boring, however, and he spends most of his time chasing her around the castle trying to make her attend them, only to give up and play games with her.
...He's a glorified baby sitter.

Zero- A Servant
 Zero is a servant working in the Von Pyres castle. He mostly cuts wood for the many grand fireplaces. He's a very well known and liked member of the community. When Sophia first comes to the castle, she runs off and hides in the wood shed, where she cries and wishes she could go back home. Zero finds her and ends up comforting her, even becoming one of her closest friends.
Chima becomes rather jealous of Zero after awhile because he can so easily make Sophia happy and ends up making him one of his personal servants just to mess with him.
Zero is also friends with Tin and Melloni.

Melloni Collie- a Knight
Second in command of Decembersville's knights. The knights are actually a pretty shifty gang and sell valuables and armory from the castle for quick cash. Many people find them crooks. Mellon ends up meeting Sophia during one of his rounds and they don't exacly see eye to eye at first. She quickly grows on him, however, and he starts to spend alot of time with her, Tin, and Zero.

Secondary Characters

Darkslaw- Leader of a Rebellion
Was previously a servant under Chimabell Von Pyre. United humans and freaks to stop a war and succeeded. Many people consider him a hero for finally doing what no one else dared and go against the Von Pyres successfully. Other believe he's bringing ruin to Decembersville, having lost family and friends to humans.
Darkslaw was the one who suggested to the human kingdom they send their princess to Decembersville as a means of peace, to show his people humans aren't evil. He comes to check up on Sophia every now and then to make sure the Von Pyres aren't harming her in anyway, as was the agreement with the human kingdom.

Count Merry- A Count of Decembersville
 A count owning quite a bit of land in Decembersville. His wife was murdered brutally by humans from the neighboring country and bears a very vivid hate for the. When he hears they've taken in a human princess, he becomes very enraged (as were a lot of citizens) and threatens the Von Pyres/Sophia at her welcoming ball...
Later when Sophia starts running around the main town disguised as a freak she meets Merry again at the cemetery his wife is buried at (oh imgaine that yo) and befriends him.

Emmyli- Head KnightThe head of the Decembersville knights and Melloni's older brother.

Darkchovi- A pub owner
Runs a pub in town and is Darkslaw's older brother. The knights constantly come by for free drinks, which he detests. Zero, Tin, and Mellon bring Sophia and stop by frequently. There's a rumour going round that he's on good terms with The Meowsician... 

Razz Matazz- Theater Owner
Runs a very flashy theater in town. There are rumors going round that he abducts girls to perform there, but rumors are rumors, no one knows for sure.

Decembersville has soooo many characters.... Im tired of writing descripts for them all XD
I'll put another post with everyone else up later.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ever Fire concept talk

Wrote the first pages of a short story called 'Ever Fire' earlier... I think it's pretty neat.
It's pretty much about an 1800's style of westernized people who live in a huge town in the middle of a mythical forest. As one might assume, the 'mythical' forest is overrun with creatures of lore and most aren't too friendly with the human town (which is called 'Auberwood' by the way)
So the people of Auberwood built this giant wall completely surrounding the town. The only way out is the grand gate that was once open for vendors and travelers but has since been sealed shut.
The story follows Emily Green, a 10 year old girl of Auberwood. She contracts a fatal disease that the towns doctor has no cure for and is banished from Auberwood, for fear that others might catch her disease. Emily is left alone in the forest to die of her disease or be killed by some sort of creature.
But there's still hope for the child. A dear friend of hers called Ebony tells her about a flower called the 'Ever Fire'. Consuming a petal of the flower is supposed to cure any illness or wound. But the whole flower, when consumed, can grant eternal life. So it's very violently fought over and searched for.
Emily begins a journey to find the Ever Fire that eventually lead her to running with a forgotten Faerie King, a dishonored Knight, twin Brownies, and an old Gwin.
It's been awhile since I did a simple adventure type story... This is gonna be fun~<3

Monday, May 20, 2013

Fan Art stuffs, it's been too long...

Fan art tiiime~ <3
It took me three times but I FINALLY managed to successfully draw Heen. By successful I mean I'm satisfied the way she turned out in this one (and her face, I love everything about her face). Sigmo, however, destroyed me. Little pieces of ego are laying shattered around my drafting table somewhere because I was destroyed. I spent forever on him too... But I'm just not as happy with how he turned out as I am with Heen.
Though I had too much fun with Heens hair and it's all super curly...

This is a fan art btw, these two beauties belonging to a fabulous madam referred to as Andi. Her blogs thisa way ->

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I don't even know what to title this...

Drawn by Andi Espinosa, (or others might know her as Countandra on Deviantart) my character Musca Domestica. Main character from a graphic novel I'm working on called Fly Girl. This was like a ten dollar commission, can you believe that?? I feel like I should have paid more... I always feel that way about the commissions I request though XD
I just absolutely loooove this drawing and I hope she doesn't get mad that I'm throwin' it up here. Not that she'd probably ever even find out. My blogs are a public secret after all XD
But anyway, it's absolutely gorgeous no? I just wanted to talk about it a little since I never really got the chance to show it off to anybody X3.
That and I wanna talk about her hair. I mean, goodness to gracious, I could go on about every thing in this forever and what not (Though Andi could have drawn her as a stick figure and I'd probably still love it.) But after looking it at it more carefully, her hair kinda sticks out in my field of vision.
Mostly because I can't really tell if she drew her with short hair, or if her hairs just tucked behind her wings. Either way it doesn't bother me or make me love it any less, I just don't know and that kind of pokes at me. But I got to thinking the other day since she's looks absolutely adorable in this pic, and her hair does look short, she might look good with short hair.
So I drew her in 20's clothes a couple times with that short-ish bob style and I really liked it : 3
I'm not changing her design, I've worked on her design for mooonths and I'm not changing it now on a whim, but I did decide there's going to be a part where her hair gets chopped off by Congrua so I'm in the process of drawing a second design page with her short hair. I'm sucha dork I swear.
Well back to work and such, I've got a GPA to pull outta the trash.

Graduation blah blah

Soo this week is all about Cora catchin' up her GPA. Me catching up my GPA. Ya know. So I can graduate. You know. Yeah.
Been drawing some Fly Girl stuff... And I'm still surprised by the how many people like her online. When people see her in my sketchbook they're all 'oh gross' but online everyones like 'She's Adoraaable!'
. 3 .
And while I'm totally happy that people like her, I didn't really make her to be cute . _ .
I mean, the chibi's yeah, but when I draw her serious like... Cause one of the whole points of 'Fly Girl' is that even creepy looking weird people can have hearts of gold, that being different is ok. So she's not supposed to look pretty or lovely. That defeats the purpose of being 'abnormal and strange'. XD

But I don't have time to scan stuff. As soon as I get off work tonight I've gotta work on my chemistry and Geometry and I've been so far behind in both that I'm doing at least a months worth of work in three days.
Next week is graduation and I'm freaking the fuck out.
I'm graduating. I never in a million years could of imagined I'd get this far people. Like... Oh...Shit I'm graduating.
They're going to be releasing me into the world. Everyone should be mildly frightened. XD

Friday, May 10, 2013


Been drawing alot of Gams lately. She's the easiest to draw of the Abnormalities because of her body proportions. It's so hard for me to draw realistic proportions, which I try to do sometimes, but everything always comes my art friends and online people are all like "it's just your style, madam."
But it's not whats in my head and that's whats the problem. Oh hell I'm happy with the paper results, but I'm never satisfied. Like a house wife or something. That's not a good analogy, I know.

I've got a shit ton of work to do and no will power to do it. I've literally given up on school but forcing myself to get through it because, A, if I don't I'm going to loose my scholarship/not graduate. And B my parents won't shut uppppp... Like really. My mother tried to bribe me with food yesterday.
I about told her to take it back because I'm not going to do tricks for treats like a dog or something and then she and my step-dad got into a fight because he didn't think it was fair that I was getting rewarded for turning my work in late while the other kids get grounded and she's just like 'well I don't know what else to do' blah blah blah...
And as far as I was concerned the whole situation was annoying as hell and resulted in me getting screamed at for the rest of the night. (sighs)
 Just gotta remind myself there'll be plenty of time to do nothing this summer. Work hard now, fool around later. Or become a hobo.
Well better get started on my homework... I'm tired as all hell get out.