Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cirque du Minuit

In this, I'll be talking about Cirque du Minuit, my horror/fantasy comic. 

Before I get into the description I just wanted to talk about CdM a bit and pretty much how it differs from my other projects.

CdM started as a stupid meaningless comic about a clown girl named Delilah who witnesses the murder of a priest at the hands of a 'Collector' named Jacques. I wasn't drawing it to go anywhere, it was actually so I could test out how to put comics together but the more I drew stuff for it, the more attached I became to the characters and the limitlessness of their story.
That was in 2010. >__>;;

Sooo as you may know, some time has passed since then.
But as a result the circus grew and its become this amazingly huge thing now. Like legit, I'm so excited to start putting it together because I easily believe its the best thing I've ever come up with...

CdM initially takes place in a small Italian based island, île de minuit, where the main, Delilah, has lived her whole life. It's Delilah's dream to one day become the lead clown of the Cirque du Minuit, the grand circus that their small island is famous for. But her dream seems impossible as the circus won't have a female clown. 
One afternoon, after being turned down by the Cirque yet again, Delilah heads home feeling maybe its time to hang up her red nose and tutu until she witnesses an odd scene taking place between a dark young man and a priest. After eavesdropping for a bit, Delilah learns she can have her any wish granted by The Master, the head of a mysterious group that plague the island called 'Collectors'. 
On an impulse, Delilah confronts the Collector she'd been watching (Jacques) and asks to have her wish granted. He declines, saying only its not something 'little girls' should get mixed up in and goes to take his leave. 
Delilah follows him and ends up in the Collection, a strange space where Collectors and the Master live. As it is every Collectors duty to see humans safely through the Collection, Jacques begrudgingly accepts the task of seeing Delilah to the Master to have her wish granted and their journey begins.

Literally, that description is vague as hell and there is sooooo much more to even the first parts than that, but I don't want to give anything away.
I'm really really excited by this and I cannot wait to start on the comic because I seriously love this project from the depths of my heart. 
My only concern really is that my artistic skills aren't good enough to convey all the really cool stuff I want to do with this.